Student |
Faculty Sponsor |
Project |

Sarah Abara Class: 2025 Major(s): Data Science and Social Policy
Dr. Tabitha Bonilla |
- Investigating anti-CRT legislation in various states and specifically school board politics and how the politics of school boards contribute to the unequal educational opportunities

Rahul Aggarwal* Class: 2024 Major(s): Neuroscience
Dr. Maryann Mason |
- Qualitatively researching how and why older adults misuse opioids by interviewing physicians, providers, and specialists about their experiences and perceptions regarding older adults' opioid misuse
Khadija Ahmed Class: 2025 Major(s): Journalism
Dr. Elizabeth Gerber |

Eman Akhtar* Class: 2023 Major(s): Social Policy, MMSS, Statistics
Dr. Teresa Eckrich Sommer |
- Two-generation qualitative analysis of the HOPE Toledo Promise scholarship

Samantha Anderer Class: 2024 Major(s): Journalism and Environmental Science
Dr. Hannes Schwandt |
- Researching the connection between health and factors including race, economics, and education
- Examining how inequalities in these areas can affect wellness outcomes
Beatrice Bailey* Class: 2024 Major(s): Cognitive Science and Statistics
Dr. Alex Lundberg |

Emily Chan* Class: 2025 Major(s): Economics
Dr. Ivuoma Onyeador |
- Analyzing the effects of subjective temporal distancing on the disparities between Black and White Americans' perceptions of present-day racism

Anna Chen Class: 2024 Major(s): Social Policy and Music
Dr. Cynthia Coburn |
- Exploring the impact of instructional policy and guidelines on teachers' classroom practices
- Reviewing the impact of continuous improvement initiatives in education on building individual and organizational capacity

Zorina (Zihan) Chen* Class: 2023 Major(s): Sociology and Political Science
Dr. Christine Percheski |
- Studying the impacts of the permanent closure of Lincoln College on students' educational pathways
- Patterns of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) prescription and patients' access to PrEP
- Patterns of siblings' co-residence in adulthood
- The effects of COVID-19 deaths on the composition of the U.S. electorate
- The relationships between natal family characteristics and cohort change in U.S. women's family formation

Vicky Chung Class: 2024 Major(s): Biological Sciences
Dr. Greg Miller |
- Analyzing the effects that stress has on pregnancy during gestation, as well as the connection that socioeconomic status has on these factors
Ari Crockett Class: 2023 Major(s): Journalism
Dr. Ivuoma Onyeador |
- Reviewing how discrimination is studied and measured through literature review

Elizabeth Dudley Class: 2024 Major(s): Art History, Economics, and Design Studies Certificate
Dr. Elizabeth Gerber |
- Examining changes in education crowdfunding relating to time, public school funding, and economic fluctuations

Ellie Garcia Class: 2024 Major(s): Neuroscience
Dr. Molly Losh |
- Researching pragmatic language skills in children with autism, or fragile x syndrome, and their first-degree relatives
- Investigating prosodic patterns as an indicator of genetic predisposition to autism

Sarah Germer Class: 2023 Major(s): Biological Sciences and Psychology
Dr. Edith Chen |
- Exploring the effects of mentoring on the physical health of college-age mentors and young mentees
- Examining how the experiences of African American students affect their physical health

Aditi Ghei Class: 2023 Major(s): Economics
Dr. Julia Behrman and Dr. Lori Beaman
- Researching the impact of spouses' dyadic perspectives on gender, family, and reproduction in determining important demographic outcomes
Yulan Guo Class: 2024 Major(s): Computer Science and English
Dr. Lincoln Quillian

Sophia Huang Class: 2025 Major(s): Sociology and Global Health
Dr. Gregory Phillips II |
- Analyzing data from the Local Youth Risk Behavior Survey to assess the impact of alcohol use on the health of sexual and racial minority youth in the U.S.
- Evaluating sexual identity and behavior along with health behaviors, like alcohol use, HIV vulnerability, and mental health

Kirsten Huh Class: 2023 Major(s): Journalism
Dr. James Druckman |
- Exploring the causes and consequences of political polarization in the U.S.
- Analyzing how mass communication influences citizens’ opinions
- Studying COVID-19 on a state level basis

Sara Kadoura Class: 2023 Major(s): Journalism, Legal Studies, and a minor in Sociology
Dr. Robert Nelson |
- Analyzing court documents, case law, statutes, media coverage, and press releases to assess institutional responsibility for Catholic priest sexual abuse over time

Hannah Kim Class: 2024 Major(s): MMSS and Social Policy
Dr. Nia Heard-Garris |
- Analyzing the impact of the double pandemic, COVID-19 and racial violence, on adolescents' health

Emily Lam Class: 2024 Major(s): Biological Sciences and Science in Human Culture
Dr. Amisha Wallia |
- Investigating the relationship between the rates of technology use and diabetes complications in patients with diabetes in the COVID-19 era

Allison Macdonald Class: 2023 Major(s): Linguistics and English
Dr. Beth Redbird and Dr. Rob Voigt |
- Using computational linguistics to identify and analyze racial bias in courtroom proceedings, focusing particularly on police testimony regarding gangs

Hassan Mohammad Class: 2024 Major(s): Neuroscience and Psychology
Dr. Lori Post |
- The Global SARS-CoV-2 Surveillance Project (GASSP)
- Creating and refining murder profiles for mass shooters in the U.S. from online databases including the Violence Project to see patterns in behavior and weapons used

Zidi Mu* Class: 2024 Major(s): Psychology
Dr. Edith Chen |
- Examining factors that contribute to resilience and physical health of disadvantaged African American youth

Emia Musabegovic Class: 2024 Major(s): Communication Studies
Dr. Michelle Shumate |
- Uncovering the barriers those seeking help for hardships encounter in their search
- Researching how to make the systems that provide this support as useful as they can be for their communities

Yola (Angel) Mzizi Class: 2023 Major(s): Journalism, Sociology, and a minor in Global Health Studies
Dr. Lincoln Quillian |
- Analyzing discriminative hiring practice

Aniekan Odong* Class: 2025 Major(s): Political Science
Dr. Tabitha Bonilla |
- Investigating how the anti-CRT (critical race theory) movement and rhetoric has spread in the U.S. and manifested into policy

Saul Pink Class: 2025 Major(s): Journalism
Dr. Kristen Knutson |
- Researching if the amount or quality of sleep people get is related to brain function and how sleep and brain function change over time
- Helping recruit 450 Chicagoans to participate in the study

Lahari Ramini* Class: 2024 Major(s): Cognitive Science
Dr. Sera Young |
- Examining current tools used to measure water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) in institutions such as hospitals, prisons, and schools
- Assessing the health impact and validity of these measurements

William Secker Class: 2023 Major(s): Economics
Dr. Silvia Vannutelli |
- Preparing papers for submission that analyze the effects of Italian migrant regularization policies

Julia Shalansky Class: 2023 Major(s): Human Development in Context and Global Health
Dr. Emma Adam |
- Helping the COAST lab address large societal issues of racial inequality through biosocial science

Jasmine Sinchai Class: 2025 Major(s): Economics and Communication Studies
Dr. Emma Adam |
- Investigating how race-based social stressors affect adolescents
- Analyzing the impact of an ethnic-racial identity intervention on high schoolers’ academic outcomes and biological stress systems

Maia Smith* Class: 2024 Major(s): History and Economics
Dr. Bernard Black |
- Examining why certain groups of people got COVID-19 and what health policies help society combat the disease

Leila Stoll* Class: 2025 Major(s): Psychology and Economics
Dr. Terri Sabol |
- Researching how Chicago pre-K programs are financed and how the rollout of universal pre-K during COVID-19 has affected the enrollment and availability of community-based programs

Jamison Stout Class: 2024 Major(s): Social Policy
Dr. James Spillane |
- Examining how districts and schools are working to improve elementary science education in response to newly enacted state science education standards (the Next Generation Science Standards)
E-D Tadese* Class: 2023 Major(s): Psychology
Dr. Sylvia Perry |

Donny Tou Class: 2025 Major(s): Social Policy and Economics
Dr. Aaron Shaw |
- Investigating how collective responses against complex social challenges are created and sustained when actors' incentives are misaligned and formal structures through which to pursue coordinated action are absent
- A set of comparative case studies focusing on cross-sector collaborations within King County, WA, will be conducted

Brian Vogel Class: 2023 Major(s): Legal Studies, Global Health, and Music Performance
Dr. Max Schanzenbach |
- Evaluating contractual language in university guidelines to better determine the legal obligations of universities to their students

Anna Wander Class: 2024 Major(s): Journalism, International Studies, and BIP minor
Dr. Mary McGrath |
- Analyzing student voter registration and turnout

Lauren Wang Class: 2025 Major(s): Biology and Global Health Studies
Dr. Edith Chen |
- Analyzing how mentoring relationships and coping resources affect the physical health of middle school and college students over time

Mia Xia Class: 2025 Major(s): Social Policy
Dr. Sally Nuamah |
- Studying the impact of structural racism, sexism, and violence on Black girls' mental health and the potential of the interventionist program, Working on Womanhood (WOW), in addressing and mitigating harm
Melinda Xu Class: 2023 Major(s): Economics and Chemistry
Dr. Hannes Schwandt |

Dylan Yan* Class: 2025 Major(s): MMSS and Economics
Dr. Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach |
- Analyzing data sets to understand better the characteristics of different demographic groups receiving SNAP benefits
- Researching policy decisions behind Chicago's universal pre-K rollout

Ji Yoon Yang Class: 2024 Major(s): Political Science and a minor in Legal Studies
Dr. Kim Yuracko |
- Normatively assessing the contract between universities and their students under two different models of higher education—the credentialism view and the human capital view—by examining the language of student handbooks