IPR@50 Panel Summaries
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Neighborhood Inequality: What Does the Research Tell Us?
Inequality is pervasive and persistent, intersecting with issues of race, education, housing, and social status—to name but a few. In this panel, IPR experts Jonathan Guryan, Andrew Papachristos, and Celeste Watkins-Hayes examined research on how neighborhood inequality plays out in studies of crime and policing, schools and institutions, and health and well-being with WBEZ's Odette Yousef.
Causes and Consequences of Government Spending
How does government spending reflect a society’s priorities and values? In this panel, IPR experts Kirabo Jackson, Matthew Notowidigdo, and Monica Prasad spoke with WBEZ's Sarah Karp about how government spending has changed over time, considering where and how effectively taxpayer dollars are spent, as well as public support and future trends for such spending.
Community Partnerships Produce Better Services and Research
This panel of experts explored the benefits and challenges of community partnerships, detailing the importance of working with communities that research organizations hope to serve when developing interventions. In reflecting on such partnerships, panelists Lori Beaman, Lindsay Chase-Lansdale, David Figlio, and Penny Bender Sebring discussed their potential for success and offer takeaways from their experiences with moderator Paul Goren.
Breakthroughs in Policy Measurement
In this panel, IPR experts Emma Adam, Bruce Spencer, Burton Weisbrod, and Sera Young, explored the role of measurement in policymaking in a conversation led by IPR Director Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach. In particular, it addressed some of the challenges to defining and obtaining good measures, discussed how measures can be used—as well as their limitations—and examined the value of measurement to policy and society.
From Cells to Society: How Experience Becomes Biology
How do social, economic, and cultural contexts “get under the skin” and affect human health and cognition? Four IPR experts, Edith Chen, Christopher Kuzawa, Thomas McDade, and Greg Miller, examined how social and biological environments—from the earliest moments of life and even across generations—can affect people’s outcomes and well-being throughout their lives.
American Democracy and Its Discontents: What Ails Our Politics and What to Do About It
Polls and pundits seem to indicate that Americans have never been as divided as they are now, but are they really? In a conversation led by Peter Slevin, experts James Druckman, Laurel Harbridge-Yong, Rachel Davis Mersey, and Jennifer Richeson discussed perceptions and misperceptions around polarization in terms of media, politics, identity, and demographics—and explored where we can go from here.
Photo credits: Rob Hart.
Published: June 26, 2019. Updated: July 16, 2019.