Research and Working Papers
Faculty Spotlight: Joe Feinglass
The "power of data to inform the public" is what research professor of medicine and IPR associate Joe Feinglass sees as defining his academic career. Feinglass began studying racial disparities in health access, treatment, and outcomes after obtaining his PhD in public policy. MORE
When Should the Police Use Confrontational Tactics?
Citizens depend on police to provide public safety while maintaining the trust of the community. How can democratic societies balance these two, often conflicting, aims, given citizens' often divergent views over basic tenets of criminal justice policy? IPR economist Charles F. Manski and Carnegie Mellon criminologist Daniel Nagin seek to provide a model that can help. MORE
Germs at Four, Inflammation at 40
IPR anthropologists Thomas McDade and Christopher Kuzawa focus on how childhood environments relate to adult health. They have discovered that higher exposure to germs in childhood is related to lower inflammation later in life, as well as a lower risk of chronic diseases, including diabetes and certain cancers. MORE
IPR Director Testifies on SNAP Research Before Senate Committee
On September 14, IPR Director Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach, an economist, testified before the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee on Capitol Hill in a hearing to discuss nutrition programs covered by the 2018 Farm Bill. Schanzenbach discussed what current research, including her own, says about the benefits of SNAP and offered suggestions for improvements in the upcoming bill. MORE
Summer Research Program Puts Theory into Practice
Over the summer, IPR's Summer Undergraduate Research Assistants Program paired 37 undergraduates with 31 faculty members to study social science issues ranging from congressional gridlock to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education. MORE
New Seminar Series Launches
IPR and the Global Poverty Research Lab at the Buffett Institute for Global Studies are launching the "Who Needs to Do What Differently?" Seminar Series focusing on the policy journey for research. On October 24, Amy Finkelstein of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology will discuss "The Oregon Health Insurance Experiment: What Did It Find and What Does That Mean?" MORE
IPR Working Papers
Joshua Robison, Randy Stevenson, James Druckman, Simon Jackman, Jonathan Katz, and Lynn Vavreck
What are the most important concepts in the political behavior literature? Have experimental data sources supplanted surveys as the dominant method in political behavior research? What role does the American National Election Studies (ANES) continue to play in this literature? The researchers conduct a content analysis of more than 1,100 quantitative articles on American mass political behavior published between 1980 and 2009 to answer these questions. Their analysis provides a novel snapshot of the evolution of the field of political behavior. They conclude that the ANES is a critical investment for the scientific community and a main driver of political behavior research.
Sandra Black, Sanni Breining, David Figlio, Jonathan Guryan, Krzysztof Karbownik, Helena Skyt Nielsen, Jeffrey Roth, and Marianne Simonsen
The researchers compare the school outcomes of first- and second-born siblings who have a younger, disabled sibling to those in families where the third child is not disabled. Their findings suggest that the middle child will experience additional, negative effects from having a younger, disabled sibling—in addition to effects on all the children in a household with three children and the youngest disabled.
Hans Hvide and Benjamin Jones
National policies take varied approaches to encouraging university-based innovation. This paper studies a natural experiment—the end of the "professor's privilege" in Norway, where university researchers previously enjoyed full rights to their innovations. The reform led Norway to adopt a typical U.S. model, where the university holds majority rights. Using comprehensive data on Norwegian workers, firms, and patents, the researchers detect a 50 percent decline in both entrepreneurship and patenting rates by university researchers following the reform. They also find a decline in quality for university start-ups and patents.
Infographic: Persistence of Racial Discrimination in U.S. Hiring
Despite some favorable racial trends over the past 25 years, IPR sociologist Lincoln Quillian finds no change in rates of discrimination against African-Americans in 21 studies of hiring over the same period.
On November 14, Na'ilah Suad Nasir, the president of the Spencer Foundation, will discuss "For a Time Such as This: A Vision for the Future of Education Research." RSVP by November 9. MORE
Faculty Awards & Honors
IPR developmental psychologist Emma Adam received a five-year Lyle Spencer Research Award to study the relationship between race-based stress and achievement gaps.
Developmental psychologist and IPR associate Terri Sabol was named an early career fellow by the American Educational Research Association and the Society for Research on Child Development.
Health disparities scholar and IPR associate Melissa Simon received the Marion Spencer Fay Award in recognition of her contributions to women's health, health equity, and national health policy.
Developmental psychologist and IPR associate Claudia Haase was awarded the 2017 NARSAD Young Investigator Grant from the Behavior and Brain Research Foundation.
Faculty in the Media
Does biology explain why men outnumber women in tech?
Neither nature nor nurture can fully explain gender disparities in the technology sector, explains IPR psychologist Alice Eagly.
Recession took toll on health of young blacks
IPR health psychologists Greg Miller and Edith Chen find that African-American teens who were affected by the Great Recession have an increased risk for heart disease and diabetes.
Oldest kids in class do better, even through college
IPR education economist David Figlio discovers that children who start school at an older age perform better than their younger classmates, and they even have better odds of attending college.